In October 2013, Facebook announced the launch of their new Facebook Insights platform. Updating their layout, features, and simplifying their metrics into an easy-to-understand approach.
The most notable change from their old insights is the 6-tab layout, starting with an “Overview” tab that displays the three key metrics to focus on (Likes, Reach and Engagement), as well your five most recent posts.
“Likes” are a product of how you’re marketing your page, as well as viral activity surrounding your reach and engagement.
“Reach” and “Engagement” are a product of the quality and frequency of your posting. If your numbers are dipping, review you posting practices for answers.
From the “Likes” tab you can see all of the likes your page has received. If you’re doing any Facebook Advertising you measure the ROI of the ad by seeing how many of your new likes are organic and which are paid.
The “Reach” tab allows you to view, day-by-day how many unique users are seeing you brand either through a post or just generally, which would include posts, posts by other people, Page like ads, mentions, and check-ins. You can click on any day to see your individual posts.
As stated previously your reach will be greatly affected by your posting practices.
On the “Visits” tab you can view all of the visits to your page. You can see a breakdown of how many visits are going to any specific tab you have on your page (i.e. Appointment Request Tab). Facebook also provides you with any visits to your page that came from an external site. So if you have a link on your website to your Facebook page, you can measure the visits.
The “Posts” tab is just an extension of the posts from the “Overview” tab but there is still some great marketing info there. Facebook has provided you with the days and times that your fans are most frequently logged on. This can be a valuable tool for deciding when you should be posting your content to help maximize its exposure.
In the “People” tab Facebook not only provides you with your patient demographics but they also compare them to the general Facebook population. They also break down the demographics in terms of who has your posts been reaching and who has been engaging with them. You can use your demographics to specialize your posts towards the largest sector of your fans.
In conclusion, you can spend hours dissecting your insights. Most of what you need to know is available on the “Overview” tab. 90% of your allotted social media time should be spent developing your content and posting schedule. Engaging content is the key to building a social presence.