Avaira Vitality® toric

Product specs


  • Optimized Toric Lens Geometry™, same optical design features as Biofinity® toric – the #1 most prescribed toric lens on the US market2
  • Stable fit, minimal lens movement and clear vision1
  • Easy handling3
  • Class 1 UV blocker*
  • Daily wear schedule
  • Naturally wettable silicone hydrogel material for long-lasting comfort

High-performing SiHy matched with superb visual consistency.

With the combination of revolutionary material and Optimized Toric Lens Geometry™, the same design features as proven Biofinity® toric,  Avaira Vitality®  toric contact lenses1 are great lenses at a value that your astigmatic patients are looking for. 

Design Material

 The material technology in the Avaira Vitality® lens represents some of CooperVision’s best thinking on how to design a silicone hydrogel lens for optimal modulus enabling a comfortable and flexible lens .1 Since SiHy materials allow more oxygen to pass through to the cornea than hydrogel materials, your patients will appreciate the benefits of a healthy lens-wearing experience. This revolutionary material technology hydrates contact lenses to twice their weight in water1 for natural wettability and long-lasting comfort.

Optimized Toric Lens Geometry  

Optimized Toric Lens Geometry™ provide a stable fit, minimal lens movement and clear vision.1 The multifaceted toric design approach employs multiple design features in combination to achieve optimized on-eye performance. These features include a uniform horizontal thickness, a wide, smooth, continuous ballast band, unique back surface curvature and a large toric optic zone.


*WARNING: UV-absorbing contact lenses are NOT substitutes for protective UV-absorbing eyewear such as UV-absorbing goggles or sunglasses because they do not completely cover the eye surrounding area. Persons should continue to use their protective UV-absorbing eyewear as directed.  

NOTE: Long-term exposure to the UV radiation is one of the risk factors associated with cataracts. Exposure is based on a number of factors such as environmental conditions (altitude, geography, cloud cover) and personal factors (extent and nature of the outdoor activities). UV-absorbing contact lenses help provide protection against harmful UV radiation. However, clinical studies have not been done to demonstrate that wearing UV-absorbing contact lenses reduces the risk of developing cataracts or other eye disorders. Consult your Eye Care Practitioner for more information.

Pricing is based on manufacturer’s published MSRP and rebates as of 11/1/24.

With high oxygen delivery for daily wear, SiHy materials minimize or eliminate hypoxia-related complications.


  1. CVI data on file, 2024.

  2. CVI data on file, 2023. Based on number of US soft contact lens fits, including CooperVision branded and customer-branded equivalent lenses. US industry reports and internal estimates.

  3. CVI data on file, 2017. Prospective, multi-center, subject masked, 1 month dispensing study with Avaira Vitality Toric, n=36 habitual toric soft contact lens wearers.

    17496 12/2024

Lens Technology

Product Details

Material / H20 content
fanfilcon A / 55%
UV protection
Replacement schedule
Oxygen transmissibility
90 Dk/t (at -3.00D)
Optimized Toric Lens Geometry
Base curve
Sphere power
+8.00D to -10.00D
(0.50D steps after +/-6.00D)
Cylinder power
-0.75D, -1.25D, -1.75D, -2.25D
From 10 degrees to 180 degrees in 10 degree steps