A successful contact lens wearing experience can rely on many factors. For new wearers, lens handling ranks among the top make-or-break reasons for success.1,2 In fact, nearly one-quarter of new wearers cite handling as the main reason they walk away from contact lenses within the first year.1
clariti® 1 day lenses are known for their unbeaten and superior handling in ease of insertion and removal compared to the competition.*3 For ophthalmic technicians and contact lens staff, clariti® 1 day’s ease of handling contributes significantly in the wearing success for those patients new to contact lenses.4
Most contact lens support staff affirm clariti® 1 day is their first choice for new wearer insertion, according to results of a recent survey.5 Further, more than 3 out of 4 contact lens support staff agree clariti® 1 day lenses are easy for patients to remove.6
“When patients become confident about insertion and removal, it’s one less thing they have to worry about,” says ABO-NCLE certified optician Molly Otworth. “If I&R (insertion and removal) training doesn’t go well, putting in your contacts every morning or taking them out at night can become something that a patient dreads. If I dreaded putting in my contact lenses, I would likely go back to wearing glasses.”
From handling to value, to everything in-between, here are five reasons why clariti® 1 day is contact lens support staff’s go-to lens for neophyte wearers.
1. Benefits of a Daily Disposable SiHy
In her experience, daily disposable lenses are always a good choice for new wearers, Molly says. “Not having to clean and store a lens is a plus for someone just starting out. Also, clariti® 1 day lenses are made of silicone hydrogel material which provides ocular health benefits",” she adds.
Additionally, SiHy lenses are often easier to handle for new wearers during application and removal training since they are slightly firmer compared to hydrogels.7
2. Positive Patient Feedback
A strong majority, or 82%, of contact lens support staff, characterize their new patients’ experience with clariti® 1 day as positive.8
For Molly, this is a frequent scenario she encounters in day-to-day practice. “Patients typically express how happy they are with clariti® lenses.9 They like the convenience of a one-day lens, and they’re very satisfied with vision and comfort.‡§ I also find that patients are happy with the price point of these lenses.”
3. Easy I&R Training
Based on the recent survey findings, nearly 8 out of 10 contact lens support staff agreed new patients can handle clariti® 1 day contact lenses quickly and with a high level of confidence within a week.4
Successful I&R can also lead to successful contact lens wear and reduce drop out, Molly says. “I think once a patient is able to insert the lens for the first time on their own, they become much more confident, and the idea of touching their eye isn’t so scary,” she adds. “Coordination is another factor I find that can make I&R difficult. This is one reason why clariti® 1 day is a go-to for me. In my experience, clariti® lenses hold their shape well on the patient’s finger, making coordination smoother.”
4. Net Plastic Neutral
In 2021, CooperVision pioneered the first net plastic neutral contact lens in the U.S. with clariti®.|¶**10
“This is something I share with a patient when they are considering purchasing a supply of lenses or if they have any reservations about waste associated with a daily lens. Net plastic neutrality is a bonus that makes clariti® such a great lens choice,” Molly explains.
5. clariti® 1 day Overall for the Win
Comfort, handling, and patient feedback represent the top reasons why contact lens support staff have a positive experience with clariti® 1 day when fitting patients new to contact lenses.11 Additionally, nearly 8 out of 10 of contact lens support staff are likely to recommend clariti® 1 day to their friends and family.12
“clariti® 1 day lenses are a first choice of mine when fitting a new patient. They are an obvious choice because they are a daily replacement,” Molly continues. “But they are also a great price point for a silicone hydrogel material. I find that new patients think clariti® lenses are easy to handle.††13 They are also made in a wide power range.14 This is something I find helpful because for many patients, I don’t even have to think about whether the lens is made in the power they need.14 I can just assume it is.”
Find out more about the clariti® 1 day family of lenses, and discover staff training resources in CooperVision’s Online Success Center.
Molly Otworth is an ABO-NCLE certified optician.