Discover why MyDay® multifocal is now an integral part of Dr. Ruth Tang’s practice.
MyDay® multifocal checks all the boxes:
- Fast and easy fitting1
- Exceeding patient expectations2‡
- Inspiring confidence in practitioners3*
MyDay® multifocal delivers on it all. Prescribe MyDay® multifocal for your patients with presbyopia and reap the rewards.
* Up to two pairs dispensed on first visit - (first pair 73.1% and second pair at 24%)
‡ Comfort diaries on insertion, after 4-5 hours and after 8-9 hours on days 1, 6 and 13.
1. CVI data on file 2021. Observational in-practice assessment with MyDay® multifocal in US with 40 ECPs and 372 wearers.
2. CVI data on file 2020. Prospective, double-masked, bilateral, one-week dispensing study with MyDay® multifocal; n=104 habitual MFCL wearers.
3. CVI data on file 2021. Prospective, subject-masked, randomized, bilateral, two-week dispensing study at 5 US sites with MyDay® multifocal; n=58 habitual multifocal contact lens wearers.