As we enter back to school season and consider the best options for young contact lens wearers, now is the time to take a look at the significant advantages of the clariti® 1 day family of contact lenses for the student population. clariti® 1 day contact lenses offer all of the advantages of a silicone hydrogel (SiHy) lens at a price point that is comparable to traditional hydrogel option.
You’re already prescribing SiHy for your monthly and 2-week patients. Ninety-one percent of all frequent replacement lenses are prescribed in a SiHy material.1 It makes sense to offer the same superior breathability to your 1-day wearers as well, particularly when prescribing for school age wearers and their busy lifestyle. SiHy lenses have been designed to combine the comfort of hydrogel lenses with the high-Dk properties of the silicone elastomer.

Daily disposable contact lens wearers wear their lenses from sunrise to bedtime just like their FRP counterparts. In fact, in the U.S., 1-day wearers typically wear their contact lenses for 15 hours per day, 7 days per week.2 Keep those eyes happier and healthier with clariti® 1 day. With up to 3 times the Dk/t of some leading hydrogel lenses3, the same comfort as 1-day Acuvue® Moist4, a low modulus and UVA/UVB protection*, clariti® 1 day contact lenses offer everything your back to school patients need for optimal ocular health all year long at an affordable price.
Available in sphere, toric and multifocal designs, the clariti® 1 day family of contact lenses allow you to make a comfortable and affordable contact lens recommendation for the entire family during this busy time of year, while safeguarding their ocular health. Contact your sales rep today for more information and support materials related to clariti 1 day contact lenses to best prepare for those back to school crowds.

1Industry reports and internal estimates
2Dumbleton K et al (2013) A multi-country assessment of compliance with daily disposable contact lens wear. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 36 304-312.
3Manufacturer reported Dk/t values: clariti®1 day: 86; 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST03: 25.5; DAILIES® AquaComfort PLUS (TM): 26.
4Data on file.
*Warning: UV-absorbing contact lenses are not substitutes for protective UV-absorbing eyewear, such as UV-absorbing goggles or sunglasses, because they do not completely cover the eye and surrounding area. Patients should continue to use UV-absorbing eyewear as directed.