Aquaform® Technology: Material Science’s Role in Contact Lens Wearing Success

Comfort and handling play integral roles in a successful contact lens wearing experience and likewise, represent two core reasons why patients drop-out of contact lens wear.1 In this ECP Viewpoints Podcast, CooperVision’s Dr. Jennifer Palombi is joined by Dr. Mike Shaheen of Hills & Dales Vision and Dr. Sahil Dosaj of Miller Optometry to discuss the unique science and benefits of Aquaform® Technology found in Biofinity® and MyDay® contact lens families, which help deliver all-day comfort and contribute to the successful contact lens wearing experience for patients with numerous vision needs.2,3


Listen to the podcast here:



1.Sulley A, Young G, Hunt C. Factors in the success of new contact lens wearers. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2017 Feb;40(1):15-24. 

2.  CVI Data on file, 2022. Based on global product sales and internal estimates of products using Aquaform® Technology over 12 months in 2022.

3. CVI data on file 2022.

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