Educational Grants and Sponsorships Programs

CooperVision® supports initiatives and programs that assist eye care practitioners with evidence-based, clinically relevant education for the advancement of patient care and optometry. Find out if you’re eligible.

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CooperVision funding guidelines

All funding requests will be reviewed and assessed in conjunction with CooperVision education goals and consideration is given to programs based on the following educational areas of interest:

  • Soft contact lens materials, designs, and fitting
  • Contact lens patient and practice management
  • Diagnosis and treatment of contact lens related complications
  • Student and resident school activities, clubs, and programs

Additionally, funding requests should align with our current clinical, educational, and scientific areas of interest:

  • Cornea and Contact Lenses
  • Myopia
  • Optometric Education
  • Presbyopia
  • Vision Science
  • Comprehensive Eye Care
  • Pediatric Optometry
  • Astigmatism
  • Irregular Corneas
  • Advocacy/Leadership

Funding requests will only be accepted from the following organizations:

  • Academic institutions
  • Hospitals or medical universities
  • Professional associations and societies
  • Providers/accredited and non-accredited education organizations

CooperVision complies with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. All requests for Educational Grants and Sponsorships are subject to the terms of our internal policies and procedures and undergo careful internal review to ensure compliance with said laws, rules and regulations.

Requests for Educational Grants and Sponsorships may be accepted or rejected at CooperVision's sole discretion. Approved Grants and Sponsorships may be subject to reporting under the National Physician Payment Transparency Program (Open Payments) a.k.a. Sunshine Act.


Requests for Grants or Sponsorships need to be submitted at least 45 business days (Standard Response Time) prior to the scheduled event date.

CooperVision requires an award acknowledgement prior to the start date of the program content development or activity.  Please plan in advance to ensure that, if approved, a decision and contract execution can be completed or acknowledged to meet your deadline.

If you have any specific questions regarding your application that were not answered in the FAQs section, please email

CooperVision application process
CooperVision submission review


CooperVision considers a variety of factors when making funding decisions. The Review Committee (RC) will discuss and either accept or decline the grant or sponsorship proposal based on current budget resources, the quality of the educational activities and its respective learning objectives, and whether it addresses topics or patient care needs adequately aligned with our current areas of interest. CooperVision will only fund requests for activities that are in compliance with all applicable codes, guidelines and laws.

It is important to note that submissions can be approved at an amount less than the requested amount. Please do not assume your request has been approved without confirmation from a CooperVision Professional Affairs representative.

Submitting a request does not guarantee that you and/or your organization will receive funding. Requestors will receive an email notification of approval or denial after the RC has made its decisions.


To learn more, please indicate the type of proposal you would like to submit:

CooperVision grant icon

Given to academic institutions, hospitals or medical universities, professional associations and societies, provider/accredited and non-accredited education organizations for educational program funding.

CooperVision sponsorship icon

Given to organizations and associations to support programs that provide contact lens related, non-continuing education (including CooperVision product information) for eye care practitioners and their staffs.
