PODCAST: A Passionate Advocate for Children’s Vision

Every day at her Northwest Arkansas practice, Dr. Megan Petty has a singular goal: making sure each child she treats has the opportunity to achieve the best vision and eye health possible through their growing years and into adulthood. In this ECP Viewpoints podcast, Dr. Petty shares how her passion for treating children and vision therapy dovetailed easily into myopia management and the strategies behind her practice’s success.

“My mission is to make sure the next generation doesn’t have to suffer from high myopia,” Dr. Petty says in the podcast.  “I feel like we have to fight even harder because lifestyles have changed. Kids are on electronics a lot more. They’re doing a lot more near work than we did. I don’t want my patients 50 years from now to have detachments and macular problems that could have been prevented. I'm really happy to be part of that fight, because I believe our kids deserve it.”

Listen to the podcast here:

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