Podcast: Key Lessons Learned in Myopia Management

When Dr. Amanda Brown first launched into myopia management, she was the only optometrist in her practice and one of the few in Lubbock, Texas, to offer this service. Fast forward to today, Dr. Brown has grown a successful myopia management specialty. In this ECP Viewpoints Podcast hosted by Dr. Justin Kwan, Dr. Brown shares the key lessons she learned along the way and the blueprint for her current success.

When it comes to getting parents to say “yes” to myopia treatment, Dr. Brown encourages her colleagues just getting started in myopia management not to be discouraged.

“It takes a lot of noes to get to the yeses,” Dr. Brown says in the podcast. “Don't get discouraged. The more yeses you get, the more encouraging it will be.”

Listen to the podcast here:

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