CooperVision Joins APS Efforts On Capitol Hill

Panel discussion with APS leaders

As a charter member of the Healthcare Alliance for Patient Safety (APS), CooperVision joined recent advocacy efforts in Washington, DC as a part of the AOA on Capitol Hill event.  Eye care providers from around the country joined the AOA in Washington to discuss proposed changes to the Contact Lens Rule with lawmakers.

In a press release on April 26, the APS described the event.  “The Health Care Alliance for Patient Safety (Alliance) this week held its “Day on the Hill,” with vision doctors from across the United States sharing insights and data with policy makers.  Esteemed doctors of optometry representing the Alliance met with White House officials, Members of Congress, Congressional staff and health regulators, discussing the importance of maintaining a strong doctor-patient relationship, the necessity of safe, healthy and effective use of medical devices, protecting prescription integrity and regulatory enforcement.”

CooperVision’s Michele Andrews, OD, Senior Director, North America Professional and Academic Affairs

CooperVision’s Michele Andrews, OD, Senior Director, North America Professional and Academic Affairs, joined other APS members in panel discussions for both eye care providers and congressional staff members over two days.  Both panel discussions addressed health policy related to the Contact Lens Rule and the principals that guide the APS’ efforts to defend the doctor-patient relationship.

To stay up to date on ongoing legislative advocacy efforts in support of the profession, visit both the APS web page and CooperVision’s advocacy updates here on ECP Viewpoints.

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