Screen-Free Week, the international celebration hosted by the nonprofit Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, takes place the first week in May. Schools, libraries, communities, and families around the world will organize events designed to help children turn off screens in order to connect with family, friends, nature, and their own creativity. The observance can also provide some welcome relief from the symptoms of digital eye fatigue.
And how do we manage the other 51 weeks each year? CooperVision is dedicated to innovation that can help relieve some of the symptoms of digital eye fatigue every day. More than 90 percent of adults use digital devices for two or more hours per day, and more than 50 percent of 18-29 year-olds admit to spending nine or more hours per day on digital devices1. Biofinity Energys® and MyDay Energys® contact lenses with DigitalBoost™ technology lens design combines breakthrough optical properties with an advanced moisture-retaining material to keep eyes feeling comfortable during digital device use.
The lenses’ multiple aspheric curves distribute power evenly, resulting in more positive power across the entire optic zone, so wearers can change focus from on-screen to off-screen and back with less effort. A study revealed that patients wearing CooperVision Biofinity Energys® contact lenses experienced less change in accommodative microfluctuations and the lenses may help reduce ciliary muscle stress during digital device use2.

- YouGov; Eye Fatigue Research 2016: Data on file.
- Based on a statistically significant difference of the mean change of Accommodative Microfluctuations and when compared to Biofinity sphere after reading on an iPhone for 20 minutes.