Biofinity Energys campaign

Download these marketing materials to enhance your patient communication and start telling the Biofinity Energys story.

Screen Time Marketing Toolkit

300x250 Web Banner

Web Banners

Download (ZIP)
Screen Time Animated Facebook 1

"20-20-20" Social Media Assets

Download (ZIP)
Screen Time Animated Facebook 2

"Blink More" Social Media Assets

Download (ZIP)
Screen Time Animated Facebook 3

"Text Size" Social Media Assets

Download (ZIP)
'96x per day' Animated Facebook 1

"96x Per Day" Social Media Assets

Download (ZIP)
'Symptoms' Animated Facebook 1

"Symptoms" Social Media Assets

Download (ZIP)
Average screen time thumbnail

"Average Screen Time" Social Media Assets

Download (ZIP)


Preview | Download (JPG)

General Promotion Marketing Toolkit

350x250 General Web Banner

General Web Banners

Download (ZIP)
Screen Tips Email

General Email to Patient

Preview | Download (JPG)
ScreenTime 2 v2

General Screen Time

Download (ZIP)
Screen Time v1

General Screen Time - Facebook

Download (JPG)
Screen Time v2

General Screen Time - Facebook

Preview | Download (JPG)
Screentime v1

General Screen Time - Instagram

Preview | Download (JPG)
Screentime v2

General Screen Time - Instagram

Preview | Download (JPG)

Patient Videos

Screentime Revealed

Screentime Revealed

Download (ZIP)
CooperVision® Biofinity Energys® Monthly Contact Lenses

CooperVision® Biofinity Energys® Monthly Contact Lenses

Download (ZIP)