Utilizing OptiExpert® has helped all 6 doctors in Black Diamond Eye Care become even more successful in fitting both Biofinity® multifocal and Biofinity® toric multifocal. As a practice located in the mountains of Colorado, the Biofinity family is their go to monthly lens to help minimize eye dryness from being located at altitude. Patients appreciate the handling of the lenses1,2, while Dr. Ortman feels they hold their shape well, which makes it easier for patients to learn insertion and removal.
To start, Dr. Ortman asks patients their visual needs ahead of time, and finds it essential to set expectations. He asks patients “Would you be happy to get 80% of your reading back? If I could give you the ability to do the majority of your near tasks and see well in the distance, would that be a success?” By being clear upfront with patients, he finds that increases chances of successful fits dramatically.
What has also helped fuel this their practice’s success rate in fitting multifocals is using OptiExpert3 in their office. While the doctors could figure out the starting prescription for the patient by consulting their various fitting guides, he finds that “using OptiExpert allowed us to efficiently order trials and make sure we were ordering the correct lenses4.” He shares that one of his associate doctors has been averaging 90-95% success on her first fit with Biofinity toric multifocal when using the OptiExpert app. This has also helped their Biofinity multifocal fits, noticing what he describes as almost a renaissance in using that lens more. With each doctor noticing time savings both in terms of decreased chair time3 and increased patient satisfaction5,6, OptiExpert has allowed them to differentiate their practice by fitting specialty lenses, especially in patients who have been told a multifocal lens was not an option for them in the past.
OptiExpert can also play a role in staff satisfaction as well. Dr. Ortman shares that technicians can be trained to utilize OptiExpert, which can also help enhance fit success and efficiency3. Technicians can order the trial lenses either using the desktop version or by using the OptiExpert app on a tablet or mobile phone. Equipping technicians with new technology helps them feel empowered by learning new skills, increasing job satisfaction and ultimately, leading to an overall increase in office morale.
As Dr. Ortman shared, utilizing OptiExpert in your practice can be beneficial in many ways. You can both decrease chair time3 and increase patient satisfaction5 by being more successful at first fits3, and also differentiate your practice by giving patients an option to continue in contact lenses after becoming presbyopic7. Technicians can be cross trained to utilize OptiExpert, further increasing efficiency and teaching staff new skills. As more practices are looking to streamline their exams and office procedures, OptiExpert gives us a tool to make our contact lens exams both more successful and more efficient overall3,4.
Average handling ratings were high and clinically similar between the lenses. Results from a non-dispensed fitting study.
The results of an online survey involving patients who wear Biofinity toric contact lenses. January 2018 Biofinity toric wearer online survey. Data on file.
CVI data on file 2019. Retrospective analysis; N=55 subjects (110 eyes); DV Rx +1.25D to -3.25D, add powers +1.25 to +2.50DS.
Based on use with Biofinity® toric, MyDay® toric and clariti® 1 day toric lenses. Luensmann D et al. Toric lens fitting success supported by an online fitting App. Poster to be presented at NCC/BCLA 2020.
CVI data 2019. Observational in-practice satisfaction survey with Biofinity® Multifocal in France, n=1016
CVI data 2019. Observational in-practice satisfaction survey with Biofinity® Multifocal in France, n= 632 new wearers. 78% top 2 box - patient satisfaction very good or good.
CVI data 2020. Observational in-practice assessment with Biofinity® toric multifocal in France, Nordics, Benelux, Iberia, DACH, UK, US with 54 ECPs.