How to Start a YouTube Channel


While it seems as though the 4 billion hours people spend watching shared videos on YouTube is purely for entertainment, it turns out that there are a substantial number of people searching for informational videos as well. So why not learn how to start your own YouTube channel so that you can connect with patients looking for eye care information?

Topics on YouTube range from Lady Gaga’s latest fashion interest to DIY (Do It Yourself) videos for home décor; from marketing campaigns to lecture series. Regardless of what you want to portray in a video, YouTube can help your business grow exponentially.

Starting your YouTube Channel

Starting a YouTube channel can be your creative outlet for things a little less business-like. You can customize your page with any number of backgrounds, including personalized ones that pop with color like CooperVision’s own YouTube channel.

The Videos

With nearly 24 hours of new video uploaded to YouTube every minute (translating to 5 years of content per day), what you upload to your site is extremely important in gathering an audience. Since it would take multiple lifetimes to watch everything on YouTube, choose what you feel is important or worthy, and keep it short.

As an optometric practice, you have a wide range of topics to choose from! You can start with a short clip about the office, doctors and staff, and then venture into videos about the newest trends in eye wear, or explain common ocular diseases in simple terms.

You can also upload videos of lectures you have done at local universities or a “meet the expert” video if you have a rare specialty in the eye care field.

Be sure to keep videos current and engaging during the few precious minutes that you have. Long videos with too much detail will make the viewer move on to other things.

Gather a Following

The way to build a following on YouTube is just as simple as Facebook or Twitter. Start out with asking your patients to check out your videos, and then follow them or other related businesses. The more you follow others, they will follow you.

And as usual, connect your videos to your website, Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media site you currently use.

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