How the Program Works
Give Brightly™ includes CooperVision’s Myopia Management Portfolio of contact lenses. Just like the soft lens portfolio, CooperVision leaves it to the discretion of the university clinic to determine patient eligibility.
Each school is allocated twelve annual supplies of MiSight® 1 day lenses. Each student or resident is allocated one annual supply of Paragon CRT® lenses per school year. For MiSight fittings, VSP Vision™ Eyes of Hope® has partnered with CooperVision to cover professional fees for a limited number of patients annually. Please contact your VSP Vision relationship manager for details. Coverage or reimbursement for additional fees such as clinic and examination fees are excluded for Paragon CRT® fittings.
At the completion of the fit, the student or resident is asked to provide either a brief synopsis of the case or a patient testimonial.

Product Ordering
MiSight® 1 day lenses can be ordered by sending an e-mail to with the subject line ‘GBP-[school name].’ It is important to order all Give Brightly™ lenses through in order to avoid being invoiced for the lenses.
Paragon CRT® lenses can be ordered through technical consultation by email or customer service Please provide the university account number, patient name, requested lens parameters, shipping address, and student or resident name.
Contact Us
Contact information: MiSight® 1 day
VSP Vision Schools Program (Stephanie Ganiban, Macy Haugen, & Ron Kemper) Email:
Program Dates
The program is open year-round, and each student or resident is allowed to select one patient during their third and fourth year of optometry school and residency.
Learn more about Give Brightly™ for soft contact lenses or specialty contact lenses.
VSP and Eyes of Hope are registered trademarks, and VSP Vision is a trademark of Vision Service Plan.