New and Improved Submission Process.

Now you can upload your rebate right from your computer or mobile device, with no need to mail in your documents.

Follow these 3 simple steps to get a rebate:

Step 1

Visit your eye care practitioner (don't have one?) for a complete eye exam and to be fitted for your CooperVision contact lenses.

Step 2

Once you've purchased your eligible CooperVision contact lenses, you can begin the process of submitting your rebate.

Step 3

Upload your documents and enter your information. Allow up to 6 weeks for processing.

Rebate Offers

Save money on your CooperVision contact lens purchase by taking advantage of our rebate offer.

Get rebate form.




CooperVision is a proud partner of Optometry Giving Sight. You will have the opportunity to donate a portion or all of your rebate to this cause. Find out more> 

Please note:  Rebate claims must be submitted within 60 days of lens purchase. All receipts must be from the same eye care practitioner who prescribe your contacts, or from a location affiliated with that practitioner.