clariti® 1 day toric
easy to put in1. all day comfort1. amazingly affordable*.
If you have astigmatism and want to wear a contact lens, look no further. With clariti® 1 day toric, your eye health is supported because this lens has a built-in UV blocker† and is made from a healthy material that delivers 100% of the oxygen your eyes need‡. While wearing clariti® 1 day toric contact lenses, you’ll enjoy excellent visual acuity on dispensing2 and dependable stability.
The features you'll love
easy to put in1
Skip the solutions and the cases — with clariti® 1 day you’ll start each day with fresh, clean lenses3 that are easy to put in and take out1.
all day comfort1
clariti® 1 day lenses are naturally wettable, for enhanced, all-day comfort1.
white, bright eyes4
clariti® 1 day allows up to 2x the oxygen to reach your eye§, which makes for a healthy lens-wearing experience3.
UV blocker†
Built-in UV blocking† filters harmful UVA and UVB rays.
clariti® 1 day is manufactured at our LEED Gold-certified facility in Costa Rica|5, and are net plastic neutral in partnership with Plastic Bank¶**6 making a positive impact on the environment — so you can feel even better about your new lenses7.
toric design
CooperVision® toric design provides a consistently stable fit you can depend on.
amazingly affordable
Now your eyes and your budget can breathe easy.
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† Warning: UV-absorbing contact lenses are not substitutes for protective UV absorbing eyewear, such as UV-absorbing goggles or sunglasses, because they do not completely cover the eye and surrounding area. Patients should continue to use UV-absorbing eyewear as directed.
* Pricing is based on manufacturers published MSRP and rebates as of 11/1/23.
‡With high oxygen delivery for daily wear, silicone hydrogel contact lenses minimize or eliminate hypoxia-related signs and symptoms.
§ Based on manufacturers published data (up to 3X sphere and multifocal) and Lumb E. & Symons A. Comparison of Dk/t values of daily disposable soft toric contact lenses using high resolution thickness profiling. BCLA Poster presentation at NCC 2016 (up to 2X toric).
| LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. BREAM: Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology.
¶ clariti® 1 day is defined as orders and includes clariti® 1 day sphere, clariti® 1 day toric, and clariti® 1 day multifocal product sold & distributed by CooperVision® in the US.
** Net plastic neutrality is established by purchasing credits from Plastic Bank. A credit represents the collection and conversion of one kilogram of plastic that may reach or be destined for waterways. CooperVision® purchases credits equal to the weight of plastic in clariti® 1 day orders in a specified time period. clariti® 1 day plastic is determined by the weight of plastic in the blister, the lens, and the secondary package, including laminates, adhesives, and auxiliary inputs (e.g. ink)
1. CVI data on file, 2019. clariti® 1 day Wearer Experience Survey conducted online in U.S., n=298: sphere, toric or multifocal; habitual FRP, DD, and new wearers who purchased clariti® 1 day; strongly or somewhat agree.
2. CVI data on file 2018. Clinical performance study with clariti 1 day toric in UK, n=38. High contrast VA.
3. Sully A, Dumbleton K. Silicone hydrogel daily disposable benefits: The evidence. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2020 Jun;43(3):298-307
4. Brennan NA. Beyond Flux: Total Corneal Oxygen Consumption as an Index of Corneal Oxygenation During Contact Lens Wear. Optom Vis Sci. 2005;82(6):467-472
5. CVI data on file, 2023, US Green Building Council.
6. CVI Data on file, 2022.
7. CVI data on file 2021. clariti 1 day CL considerers sustainability research survey 205 US consumers aged 16-35 years, Decision Analyst, April 2021. 87% of all contact lens considerers agree following exposure to net plastic neutrality description.