A toddler pushing a cart of luggage.

The travel season is upon us again! Are you and your contact lenses ready?

Whether you’re gearing up for summer in the Northern Hemisphere, or sneaking in one last trip before cooler weather down below, make sure you have all of the eye care essentials you’ll need.

To help your travels stay smooth, here’s a helpful checklist:

# 1 The solution for contact lens solution - Here’s a likely scenario: You remember to take one bottle of solution…only to leave it at a motel room/restaurant restroom/friend or family house. It happens to the best of us.

To avoid any last-minute, late-night drives searching for a place to buy more, take two bottles with you on your travels. You can also purchase solution for contacts in smaller travel-friendly sizes.

# 2 Consider purchasing a travel kit for contact lenses - Sure, you can toss your contact lens case and solution into your travel bags, but having one of these kits can be pretty handy, too. They’re small enough to carry in your purse or coat pocket and a decent one will have everything you need in a pinch—including a mirror.

That last point can be a lifesaver if you find yourself needing to put on your contacts or take them out while you’re away from your motel room. Be sure to shop around because prices can vary.

# 3 Traveling abroad? Travel smart with your contact lens information - If you’re traveling to another country where you don’t speak the native tongue, plan ahead by having your contact lens prescription information handy, along with some translated phrases at the ready.

Hopefully you won’t need this, but if you need to tell a local optometrist that you’ve lost your contacts, you want to make sure that’s the message that’s conveyed—not “my carburetor is wearing a top hat!” Having the correct phrase is important, as the word order and idiomatic expressions can vary from region to region.

# 4 Take along your current eye doctor’s contact info - Again, you may not need it, but this is something many of us may not think to jot down. And if you need this information, you’re going to be glad you took the extra 30 seconds to include it.

By having your optometrist’s number or email with you, you’ll be ready to share it with any local eye doctor should the need arise.

# 5 Pack your eyeglasses - Even if you’re one of those people who wouldn’t dream of leaving your house wearing glasses (we know you’re out there!), it’s a good idea to take your eyeglasses along if you have them.

Being on the road can introduce new allergens to your eyes—from pollen in the air to pet dander in a relative’s home. Having a spare set of glasses can help. If you don’t need them, great. But if you do, you’ll be glad you have them.

Traveling can be stressful enough without any contact lens quandaries popping up. Follow these tips to help reduce any problems and enjoy your trip. (And don’t forget to take lots of pictures!)

Happy travels!

Nothing in this blog post is to be construed as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the recommendations of a medical professional. For specific questions, please see your eye care practitioner.
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