Whether you have plans for a spontaneous weekend away or a long trip abroad, if you’re a contact lens wearer it’s important to know how and what to pack so nothing gets in the way of seeing the sights.
Ten tips for packing effectively when traveling with contact lenses:
Carry on lenses, solution and eyeglasses.
Sometimes, the dry air on planes can make lens wear uncomfortable, so it’s good to have the option to remove them. Also, just in case you end up in Paris, France and your luggage went to Paris, Texas, you’ll be thankful to have your lenses with you.
Travel with daily disposables.
It can be so much easier to pack daily disposables–no need to worry about bringing heavy bottles of solution or keeping cases clean while away. Good options include clariti® 1 day and MyDay® daily disposable contact lenses.
Carry on as much solution as you want, just declare it.
Contact solution falls under the TSA’s definition of medical liquids, which means you can bring on more than the 3 oz. maximum allowance for most other liquids. You don’t have to put your solutions in a baggie, just declare them at the checkpoint.
Squeeze half-used bottles of solution before air travel.
Air expands but water doesn’t with changes in pressure. By squeezing out excess air before packing, it will help prevent the leakage caused by increased pressure inside the cabin.
Bring along your glasses.
Sometimes you may get to your destination and the air may be much drier than you’re used to, or there may be unfamiliar allergens in the air. Since you should never put your contacts in your eyes if they’re irritated, it’s good to have your glasses as a backup.
Pack enough for the whole trip.
You may find that purchasing contact solution where you're going is more adventure than you bargained for. So bring along enough for the entire time, or if wearing dailies, be sure to have some extra so you’re not trying to buy them at your destination.
Have your prescription handy.
It’s best to keep your prescription or doctor’s information in your luggage just in case something happens and you need to get new lenses.
Always bring a back up pair.
If you don’t wear dailies, be sure to have a spare pair or two in your luggage just in case something happens to your first pair.
Never transfer solution into a smaller container.
Although it may be tempting to squeeze some solution into a smaller container, this can affect the sterility of the solution. If you want a more travel-friendly size, most drug stores sell travel size contact solution bottles and travel kits that even have a little mirror in the case.
Keep your contact lens solution in a sealed zip lock bag in your luggage.
The pressure on an airplane can cause containers to leak. Keeping them sealed up will prevent your luggage from getting soaked if this happens.
We hope these tips help you enjoy happy and safe travels while traveling.