Comfort that’s one-of-a-kind

Only 1 day lenses with PC Technology™

  • Water loving material—stays 96% hydrated even after 12 hours of wear1
  • Natural defense against deposits
  • Natural biocompatibility

Only material with an FDA-cleared indication “may provide improved comfort for contact lens wears who experience mild discomfort or symptoms related to dryness during lens wear”.

Reach out to new and existing 1 day patients with these marketing materials:

Web Banners for your website.

300x250 Web Banner

728x90 Web Banner

160x600 Web Banner

Digital content that you can use.

Social Media content for Facebook & Twitter

"Allergy Survival Guide" Facebook app to share with your patients
(Want to download the individual files from the app? Click here.)

Postcards, Patient brochures, Point of purchase displays, etc.** 

Available through your CooperVision Sales Representative.

Marketing Materials for Proclear 1 day Family

Here's a customizable print ad that you can use today!

1Data on file
**Gift laws do not allow us to offer certain marketing materials to practices in CA, MA, NV and VT.

Learn more about the Proclear 1 day Family of contact lenses:

Proclear 1 day

Upgrade your patients to a lens they wear one day and enjoy all day.

Proclear 1 day multifocal

Experience success with the growing number of presbyopic patients who are interested in a 1-day lens.