A young boy at an eye exam appointment.

Imagine living with vision loss.

It can alter your entire life. Learning in school becomes an uphill battle because you can’t see clearly. Supporting your family is more difficult because you’re limited in what you can do. Even simple pleasures such as seeing a happy child’s face are greatly diminished.

Now imagine living with this burden for years, even though it could be easily avoidable—if only you had access to an eye exam and a simple pair of eyeglasses.

Optometry Giving Sight is a non-profit organization that offers this opportunity. They help transform lives by supporting programs that give sight to millions worldwide, helping to improve the quality of life of people.

It’s a very important mission, and one that we’re happy to help advance.

Participating in the World Sight Day Challenge

As part of Optometry Giving Sight’s World Sight Day Challenge 2012, we’re happy to announce that CooperVision employees raised $47,137.86. We did this in part through a global fundraising effort.

The Cooper Companies, CooperVision’s parent company, then matched this amount and brought our full donation to $100,000.

We’re happy to donate this amount to helping improve the eyesight of those who need it.

According to Optometry Giving Sight, more than 600 million people around the globe struggle with blindness or vision impairment that could be corrected simply by having an eye exam and receiving prescription glasses.

We feel that number is far too high.

Those of us at CooperVision are proud to offer our support to Optometry Giving Sight—through their World Sight Day Challenge, as we mentioned above, and as a Platinum Global Sponsor.

Your donations go to helping end vision problems

If you’re wondering what you can do to help, we also offer you a chance to donate a portion, or all, of your CooperVision contact lens rebates. Every donation counts.

Optometry Giving Sight is transparent about where the donations go. On their Web site, they openly state that 85% of the donations go directly to the sustainable eye care projects that they support.

They also make it easy for you to send a donation in someone else’s name. It can make a great gift for someone who already has everything he or she needs. The one who receives the donation gets the benefit of clear vision, and the person you name receives a personalized card from you.

Transforming lives everywhere

From Asia, Africa, and Latin America, Optometry Giving Sight reaches out to help lives across the globe. Their work makes a real difference in overcoming vision problems.

This aligns perfectly with CooperVision’s goals to help improve the way people see each day, and we’re happy to help further such important causes and charities related to vision.



Nothing in this blog post is to be construed as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the recommendations of a medical professional. For specific questions, please see your eye care practitioner.
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