Fake lashes are all the rage right now–but should you be cautious? Unfortunately, for those who want longer, fuller lashes, there is some risk involved in wearing them. But if you’re still looking to follow the false eyelash trend, there are ways in which you can help protect your eyes and your natural lashes.
Risks of wearing false lashes
Having a foreign object attached right next to your eye with adhesive chemicals is bound to have potential for problems. Risks associated with false lashes include infection, irritation or an allergic reaction. Also, long fake lashes can funnel more airflow into the eye, according to a new study that found eye lashes should be exactly one-third the length of your eye to optimally protect the eye from dust and dryness.
Tips for proper usage
To help make sure you have a good experience with your false eyelashes, we have a few suggestions:
- Give your eyes a break– Wearing fake lashes extensively can cause gaps in your real lashes as well as increasing your risk of eye health issues.
- Find a reputable place–Eyelash extensions should cost you about $150. If you find a place that charges a fraction of that price, steer clear. Make sure they use new glues, clean tools, and have licensed and experienced lash technicians.
- Ask about the ingredients in the adhesive–Some brands of eyelash adhesive contain formaldehyde in trace amounts, an ingredient that can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Ask your technician about adhesives intended for sensitive clients.
- No sharing–If you try the eyelashes sold in drug stores, only wear them right out of the package. Wearing someone else’s puts you at risk of infection.
Eyelash extensions certainly can enhance your look. Just be sure whenever doing anything cosmetic around your eyes you take every precaution. To read more, here is the FDA’s guide to Eye Cosmetic Safety.