A man tired of looking at his computer.

If you work on a computer all day, you probably know how tired your eyes feel at the end of the day. If you are experiencing symptoms such as eye strain, fatigue, headaches, or even blurry vision, you may be suffering from Computer Vision Syndrome.

According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), the most frequent health complaints among computer workers are vision related. In fact, workers with less than optimum vision correction may suffer from decreased work productivity.

Workers can find relief with these ten tips for computer vision relief:

  • Make An Appointment To See An Eye Doctor: The first step to preventing Computer Vision Syndrome is seeing your eye doctor for an eye exam. It is an important way to keep track of your eye health. Let your eye doctor know if you are a heavy user of electronic devices.
  • Get to know the 20/20/20 Rule: If you work on a computer at your desk, make sure to take a 20 second break every 20 minutes and focus your vision on something else that is 20 feet away.
  • Make Sure You Blink:When you work at a computer or on other electronic devices, you are less likely to blink. However, blinking is important because it keeps your eyes moist and prevents dry eye. So remember to blink when you are using electronic devices.
  • Take Small Breaks: Most people only take two 15 minute breaks throughout the work day, but taking shorter more frequent breaks from working on electronic devices like computers can give your eyes a rest. Make sure to get up, stretch, and move around during your breaks too.
  • Reposition Your Monitor: According to the AOA, most people find it easier to view a computer screen at a downward angle. The AOA recommends that the computer screen should be 15 to 20 degrees below eye level (about 4 or 5 inches) as measured from the center of the screen and 20 to 28 inches from the eyes.
  • Look At Your Lighting Sources: Make sure to position your computer screen away from overhead fluorescent lights in order to avoid glare. You can also prevent glare from outdoor light by using curtains. You can also use floor lamps instead of overhead lighting in order to reduce glare.
  • Adjust Your Computer Display Settings: Readjusting the display settings of your computer monitor can help you avoid straining your eyes. Adjust the brightness of your screen so that it matches the light around you. If your screen looks like a light source, it is too bright. If it looks dull or gray, it is too dark. Text size and contrast make a difference too. Typically, looking at dark letter against a light background is easier on your eyes.
  • Do A Chair Check: Adjusting your seat can help prevent your eyes from getting too tired. Chairs should be comfortably padded and conform to your body. Your feet should be resting flat on the floor, so you may need to check your chair height. Check your arm rests to ensure that they are providing support while you type.
  • Invest In a Document Holder: If you need to work with reference materials, make sure that you have a document holder that can tilt and display your materials at an angle in front of your computer screen. It should be placed below your monitor but above your keyboard.
  • Ask About Computer Eyewear: Your eye doctor may be able to prescribe computer eyewear that can help you prevent eye strain.

We hope that these tips help, but if you think you are suffering from Computer Vision Syndrome, make sure to see an eye doctor. You can locate one with CooperVision’s Eye Doctor Locator.



Nothing in this blog post is to be construed as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the recommendations of a medical professional. For specific questions, please see your eye care practitioner.
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