Insights from Best Practices Webinar Series: Start Maximizing Revenue with Each Patient

CooperVision presented the fourth in the Best Practices webinar series, "Best Practices to Get You Back to Practice" on June 8th at 8pm.  The topic for the fourth webinar was "Start Maximizing Revenue with Each Patient". The webinar featured Best Practices honorees Dave Kading, OD, FAAO, FCLSA of Specialty Eye and Brittani Carver, OD of Better Vision Optometric Center.  Additionally, CooperVision's Steve Rosinski, OD shared insights on CooperVision's broad portfolio options. Justin Kwan, OD, FAAO, Senior Manager of Myopia Managment for CooperVision, hosted and moderated the conversation.

Drs. Kading and Carver shared their top tips related to maximizing revenue as practices reopen:

  1. Wording is key.

    Be sure that you take the word “recommendation” out of your vocabulary.  We are doctors, we prescribe. It is more powerful for the patient to hear that we are “prescribing” a lens with blue light protection because they spend 12 hours a day on the computer, rather than recommending, which makes it sound like an option.

  2. Fit 1 day contacts!

    Prescribe every new contact lens wearer with a 1 day contact if parameters are available. Also, start converting previous CL patients that are wearing 2 week or monthly modality to a 1 day. Most patients are interested in a more sanitary lens due to COVID-19.

  3. Carry product that you prescribe to the patients.

    Don’t prescribe a preservative-free artificial tear and have them go to a local store. Have it available in your office and let them know to come back when they are needing more.

  4. Maximize revenue with intentional scheduling.

    Patients that have ocular conditions requiring specialty contact  lenses are often higher revenue generating and need your expertise for day to day functional vision. By looking carefully at your established patients while still welcoming new patients, you can safeguard your valuable chair time.

  5. Maximize revenue in optical.

    Prescribe ophthalmic solutions that meet today’s visual needs whether it is two to three computer monitors or having to see  crystal clear in challenging lighting conditions where contrast may  be quite low. A patient’s past experience with eyewear and lenses may be significantly limited compared to the solutions that can  be offered today.

  6. Prepare for opposition.

    Look for higher revenue services and products, brainstorm common oppositions to these services and work through situations and scripts for your team to better communicate with patients.

A pdf of these tips can be downloaded here:

Tune in June 11th at 8pm for the fourth webinar in the series, "Embrace and Thrive with Telemedicine," featuring Drs. Chris Smiley and Tiffany Lione.

The full lineup of topics, dates and registration pages can be found HERE.

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